Wednesday 3 July 2013

Nutrition Fact Calculator Fat That Burns Calories

Until now there is a kind of fat in the human body not only fattens us, but contributes to the loss of calories. Called brown fat and by 2006 scientists thought that only exists in animals and babies.
Recent years, thanks to advances in technology, experts have found to their surprise that brown fat in adults is maintained, though not all. As may prove the greatest weapon in the war against obesity, seek ways to increase the amount of those who have it and to start up in those who have not. This could be done with new drugs or by converting the white fat in our coffee. Just to think that 50 grams of brown fat (amount available to most) burn 500 calories a day.
Without exercise without fatigue, without doing anything, to understand how the brown fat, you should know how the body loses calories. While it may sound strange to most every time we eat while we add calories to our body, but at the same time we eliminate one part. This is because the consumption of food increases the energy requirements of the metabolism and the body is forced to do more burning. The majority, though, cremations stimulate thermo genesis and cause increased body temperature, a situation which the brain perceives as a "threat." To reset the temperature to normal levels, activates compensatory mechanism of body and expels heat and calories from the body to the environment. Protein,
The big race of researchers
Since then, scientists have learned that many adults have brown fat, how they can use to help their obese; This can be done in two ways: to increase the amount of brown fat and cause activation in normal temperatures and not only in the cold. Says Researchers from USA: believes that in principle should be to find a way to avoid the reduction of the miraculous fat in adults. If, for example, the cause of reducing the loss of a hormone, replace this hormone, for more details click here Nutrition Fact Calculator
Another approach is drugs that activate brown fat. This is done through the secretion of the hormone which acts on adrenergic beta-3 receptors at the cell surface. Drugs that activate these receptors have effect in animals, but not so much in humans, perhaps because the amount of brown fat is much lower. Followed by two research groups that are attempting to create brown fat cells in the laboratory and implanted in the human surgery. The team Researchers is preparing to test in humans with the method of liposuction. Namely, you get fat from white patients, enrich it with protein and brown fat that will result will implant the original donor.”

Nutrition Fact Calculator Guidelines for Proper Slimming

The permanent and safe weight loss is not simple, so it fails more than 90% of the efforts made. In many cases, the cause of failure is the great expectations: most people want to quickly and easily lose a lot of weight when it is right to try to lose their excess weight in a slow and gradual pace.

The goal of a proper weight loss program is loss of half or one pound a week, which will succeed if you slowly learn to eat healthy and not resorting to crash diets, magic food combinations and all kinds of devices, which may temporarily have result, but not the solution to long-term weight loss and improved health.
To slim down correctly follow the following basic rules: click here Nutrition Fact Calculator

1. Always accompany your meals with plenty of salad or vegetables.
2. Use olive oil in moderation, 2-3 tablespoons a day is more than enough.
3. Use instead of salt, herbs (e.g. oregano).
4. Sweet  eat, but no more than twice a week, always choosing what they contain few calories (plain ice cream, sweets, caramel cream, donuts plain, etc.).
5. Eat four fruits a day (remember that 1 glass of fresh fruit juice is equivalent to eating 2 fruits).
6. Eat oily and pulses with limited cooking oil (no more than 1-2 tablespoons per serving).
7. Prefer complete meal bread.
8. Avoid systematically pies, cheese cake and all kinds of trade. In their place you can put the bun Thessaloniki, breadsticks and more, healthy pastries.
9. Their Drink your drink (tea, coffee, soft drinks) without sugar or light form. If you can cut the sugar, do not use more than 1 teaspoon.
10. Drink plenty of water.
11. Remember the gym. If you suffer from any health problems or have gone decades without exercise, ask your doctor what kind of workout is right for you.

Nutrition Fact Calculator Significantly Reduces the Dangerous Visceral Fat

A new study using high-level technology, that taking in combination with a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet can lead to a significant decrease not only the weight but also the dangerous visceral fat.
These recent findings, when combined with existing data, suggest that the combination with diet reduced fat not only helps people lose 50% more weight than dieting alone, but also improves health.
for more details visit Nutrition Fact Calculator
The researcher and scientist said: "While it is widely known that losing 5-10% of body weight is beneficial to health, it not so well known is that the health benefits occur because visceral fat, the fat stored deep in the abdomen. This new research shows that people who lose weight using that combination with diet reduced fat lose visceral fat. "
The real problem - the visceral fat
The visceral fat is metabolically active and, in excess, can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, two of the leading causes of death worldwide. These health complications that have the biggest impact on staff and social burden of obesity,
According to the researcher of the Department of Obesity - Metabolism - Nutrition - Endocrinology Hospital Health states, California University, U.S.A. "These results suggest that losing weight with ‘ally’ users can not only look better externally, but also be healthier inside. We know that most people lose weight to improve its appearance, but the loss of excessive internal fat is equally important. "
Reduction of waist circumference and cholesterol
The ally plus diet has proven that not only helps in significant reduction in weight compared to dieting alone, but also reduces waistlines. Additional data presented today show that allows significantly more effective than gesture in reducing waist size, with an average loss 4.5ek. After six months treatment, 10 Levels of total significantly lower in people taking ‘ally’ compared with those taking gesture.

Nutrition Fact Calculator Belly Fat Misleading

Very unhealthy and dangerous is the "belly", even if you have normal body weight! In recent years, scientists have a strong emphasis on abdominal fat, because research shows that it is closely related to cardiovascular events, diabetes and cancers.
Although obesity generally has adverse health effects, especially abdominal fat,
The thickness of the abdomen, as scientists warn the Mayo Clinic, increases the risk for:
* Heart
* Breast Cancer
* Diabetes
*Metabolic syndrome
*Problems in the gall bladder
*Colon cancer
for more details visit Nutrition Fact Calculator 
Women and men with abdominal obesity risk equally, although men tend to have fat in the abdomen from an early age, while women usually show little before or after menopause. According to a recent study from the University of Southern California, strokes in women aged 35-44 tripled in the last decade, scientists have attributed it to the increase in waist circumference in women.
"Active" fat produces hormones

In a study published in the Journal “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, According to scientists from the University of Southern California "We found that the composition has a huge difference," says "The fat in the abdomen was much more harmful Trans fat and saturated fat, and a reduced proportion of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in relation to fat buttocks. Not yet know why this is happening.

Nutrition Fact Calculator Mythology and Truths about Dieting

Do not eat anything after 8 pm, if you combine carbohydrates and proteins will gain weight, the grapefruit diet is what you need to slim down ... I like these abound around slimming, but that does not always correspond to reality. Let's see what he has to say science for six of the most widely prevalent beliefs about weight loss. FOR MORE INFORMATION visit nutrtion fact calculator
Coffee increases your metabolism - There is a grain of truth here. The black coffee can increase the rate of burning calories. An old study (1980), published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition» (AJCN), showed that 2 cups of coffee a day can increase the burning of fat. The effect of caffeine in the body is known and well documented: it stimulates the central nervous system (brain) to give a message to the body, especially when he exercised, to "spend" energy through fat burning. However, the addition of milk, cream and / or sugar in coffee negate the specific benefits (may increase the secretion of insulin, which lowers the metabolic effect). Conclusion: Do not try to increase your metabolism all day drinking black coffee. More than 3 cups of coffee can cause anxiety, nausea, and headaches.
We fatten food after 8 in the evening. free review posted by Muscle Building Blog
This is not absolute; it depends on what you will eat it. Contrary to general belief a snack at bedtime not associated with additional fat deposition. The most important thing is to know the total calories intake and not looking at the clock when you eat! Usually, those who eat after 8 pm large meals, not eating properly-usually skip meals, so be hungry at night going home.