Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Nutrition Fact Calculator Significantly Reduces the Dangerous Visceral Fat

A new study using high-level technology, that taking in combination with a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet can lead to a significant decrease not only the weight but also the dangerous visceral fat.
These recent findings, when combined with existing data, suggest that the combination with diet reduced fat not only helps people lose 50% more weight than dieting alone, but also improves health.
for more details visit Nutrition Fact Calculator
The researcher and scientist said: "While it is widely known that losing 5-10% of body weight is beneficial to health, it not so well known is that the health benefits occur because visceral fat, the fat stored deep in the abdomen. This new research shows that people who lose weight using that combination with diet reduced fat lose visceral fat. "
The real problem - the visceral fat
The visceral fat is metabolically active and, in excess, can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, two of the leading causes of death worldwide. These health complications that have the biggest impact on staff and social burden of obesity,
According to the researcher of the Department of Obesity - Metabolism - Nutrition - Endocrinology Hospital Health states, California University, U.S.A. "These results suggest that losing weight with ‘ally’ users can not only look better externally, but also be healthier inside. We know that most people lose weight to improve its appearance, but the loss of excessive internal fat is equally important. "
Reduction of waist circumference and cholesterol
The ally plus diet has proven that not only helps in significant reduction in weight compared to dieting alone, but also reduces waistlines. Additional data presented today show that allows significantly more effective than gesture in reducing waist size, with an average loss 4.5ek. After six months treatment, 10 Levels of total significantly lower in people taking ‘ally’ compared with those taking gesture.

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